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Tere tulemast krattide kodulehele!_ Kratt on tehisintellekti süsteem ja põhineb tarkvarali

the e-governance technologies of Estonia

Find out how Estonia is using data and artificial intelligence to empower its digital government.

Estonia is digitally powerful thanks to data-driven solutions and passionate work.

Data is the engine of digital development. The state generates improved solutions through the synergy of data and artificial intelligence. This website contains different materials that offer a comprehensive overview of all things related to data and artificial intelligence in the public sector of Estonia.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a system based on an autonomous software algorithm capable of learning. Learn more about the AI projects implemented in the public sector of Estonia.

Data plays an increasingly important role in today’s society. Data is used to make (management) decisions, offer novel and effective services and improve people’s lives.

Bürokratt is an interoperable network of chatbots on the websites of public authorities that allows people to obtain information from these authorities through a chat window using everyday language.

Upcoming events

We organise a great number of data and AI focused events a year. All the events are open to anyone interested in learning more about the projects implemented in Estonia. The majority of our events take place online, but a few times a year we also host larger in-person events.


Andmevaldkonna teaduspreemia konkurss

Esita töö kuni 25.09.2024 meilile

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Mida uut võimaldab andmehalduse rakendus RIHAKE?

Esmalt meeldetuletuseks, et RIHAKE võimaldab kirjeldada asutuse andmestikke ja nende sisu, andmestikes kasutatavaid klassifikaatoreid ja loendeid ning koostada andme- ja ärisõnastikke. Kuid kuhu RIHAKE liigub?


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