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What is a kratt?

A kratt is a practical application based on AI technologies. It is an AI system which is based on a software algorithm that is autonomous, capable of learning and performs tasks traditionally performed by humans. At present, narrow AI, which is the ability of a machine to behave intelligently in one narrow field, is more commonly used. However, AI systems are capable of learning.

Why ‘kratt’?

We use a character from Estonian folklore, kratt, as a metaphor to simplify communication. As the old Estonian saying goes: if there is a problem that needs solving, kratt will get it done. Since AI can seem extremely complex and mysterious to non-experts, familiar characters from folklore (in this case kratt) can help people understand this new realm of possibilities. In addition, we must make our AI solutions fair and useful, and keep an eye on them, so that they cannot cause any harm to anyone. That is the only way we can enjoy the true benefits of using AI: free time, peace of mind, and a more equitable society.

What can AI do?

Typical AI applications include:

  • generation of recommendations

  • targeting and increasing the accuracy of activities

  • optimisation and prioritisation

  • discovery

  • recognition (such as voice, video and image)

  • chatbots (both text and speech)

  • prediction and forecasting

  • robotic machines (automation of physical activities)

Why do we need AI solutions?

The promise of reducing or even eliminating time-consuming work is one of the reasons why AI is an increasingly popular topic of discussion. The use of AI allows people to focus more on activities that create added value and delegate time-consuming and routine tasks to AI. On the one hand, this increases productivity, on the other, it reduces labour costs. This provides an opportunity to direct more resources to where taxpayers benefit the most from them. For example, it allows the state to channel more resources into all kinds of measures – including business support or social benefits. In addition, AI can be used instead of humans to perform certain tasks. In a country like Estonia, where the population is declining, such solutions are essential in order to alleviate labour market problems.

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